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Screen sharing on minimal installation of Ubuntu 18.04

Ubuntu 18.04 offered a minimalist install. This gets rid of a lot of software that I don't normally use, I really like this new feature. See below for this option during install. What you pay with this option though (at least in 18.04) is that screen sharing is not working. This is how it looks like trying to configure it.  Anyway, to get it work install vino , like: sudo apt install vino After installing vino, it should look like below. Observe that Screen Sharing option shows up just below computer name. Additionally, to connect to it from Windows using RealVNC client, you need to disable vino encryption, like: gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false

Display most used applications in Windows 10

To show most used applications in Windows 10 (version 1709), do: Click on Windows button(mouse) or Windows key, then select Settings ( ) Then click on Personalization ( ) Then click on Start and turn on Show most used apps ( ) Note: Tested on Windows 10 version 1709

Ubuntu 17.04 minimal Lubuntu install

Lubuntu is already pretty lightweight but still comes with a lot of applications i don't need. I need a machine that is pretty clean, with just the bare bones with GUI capabilities. Start with netinstall iso , do text based install with minimal options, then do: $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade $ sudo tasksel install lubuntu-core $ sudo reboot Add browser, I like Chromium, install it like: $ sudo apt install chromium-browser Light Docker Settings is not working on using light install, so let us fix it, do: $ sudo apt install python-gi I like "Customize Look and Feel" (lxappearance) for adjusting LXDE, to install, do: $ sudo apt install lxappearance Additional packages to install, do: $ sudo apt install xfonts-terminus