I recently got a Handspring Visor Deluxe (Green) from a friend. This device is quite old for todays standard but should be a very good tool for exploring embedded and PDA programming. Anyway, here is what I got: Manufacturer : Handspring (now Palmone) Model : Visor Deluxe (Green) Memory : 8 MB Serial number : ABCEB02000488 Processor : Motorola 16 MHz Dragonball EZ processor OS : Palm OS 3.1H Related websites: Official website : http://www.palm.com/us/support/visor/visordeluxe/ OS Upgrades : http://www.palm.com/us/support/downloads/visor/hs_updater_v100.html Synchronizing data with Linux : http://www.linux.com/howtos/Handspring-Visor/index.shtml History of Handspring: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handspring Developing applications: Pocket Smalltalk : http://www.pocketsmalltalk.com/ Micro Java for Palm : http://pluggedin.palm.com/regac/pluggedin/Java.jsp Palm Developer Network : http://www.palm.com/us/developers/ Visual PalmTalk : http://www.visualpalmtalk.com/ ucLinux on Palm : http...
This is a very network specific, like how the corporate network is being setup. But if you are like me where we have a network connection with no proxy but I think with a firewall, below is the settings: Login server : messenger.hotmail.com port : 1863 Use HTTP Method : checked Show custom smileys : checked Propx Options Proty type: No Proxy
List hard drives: :$ su :# sfdisk -s List partition tables: :$ su :# sfdisk -l Remove a default gateway: #: sudo route del default Add default gateway, this will add as the default gateway: #: sudo route add default gw Find Windows machine in the network (needs smbfs). $: findsmb Get the details of the machine in the network (needs smbfs): $: nbmlookup ~ts
I was trying to open an X application (actually a GTK+ application) and got the error below : Xlib: connection to "unix:1012.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified (scite:8344): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: I think the reason why I am getting this error is that I changed user in terminal from regular account to root. I've read in the net that user can use xhost + but it is not working for nxserver+nxclient. But there is a very easy workaround for this if sudo is installed and enabled. #: sudo scite This will open the scite text editor in an elevated account (root user).
We bought a webcam in yard sale, it is a Logitech QuickCam VC model LKD5 part number 1049-640-001. As we all know, most items bought in yard sale does not come with a driver. A quick visit to Logitech shows that they don't provide a driver for Windows XP for this device. Here comes google. After few minutes of surfing I finally found a driver that works for this hardware. Get it from here . If you need to get the driver from the original publisher visit here . Note: don't install any software from Logitech as it may interfere with the functionality of the driver. Just use Yahoo Messenger or MSN Messenger. You should be all set.
I wish I had seen this website long time ago... MS Windows have this really useful utility to increase the readability of fonts specially on LCD monitors. Please go check the following website : http://www.microsoft.com/typography/cleartype/tuner/Step1.aspx You need to use Internet Explorer to make this work. 2008/07/21 Update This also applies to Vista. I just upgraded one of my laptops and it was quite hard to read screen display both on the laptop and when docked with default settings. Tuning did help quite a lot.
I have come across this post today and it seems interesting. It allows you to run Macintosh upto 7.5. There is a sample image here . I had difficulty following the instruction from minivmac site due to .sim.bin file that I can't manipulate in Windows. Even Stuffit Expander does not really help when running in Windows.