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Showing posts with the label Winget

Install Winget on Windows 2022 or Windows 10 LSTC

Install Winget on Windows 2022 or Windows 10 LTSC Install Pre-reqs Install Microsoft.UI.Xaml/2.7.3 Navigate to , on the left side look for Download Package button to download microsoft.ui.xaml.2.7.3.nupkg. Using 7-zip, extract microsoft.ui.xaml.2.7.3.nupkg\microsoft.ui.xaml.2.7.3.nupkg\tools\AppX\x64\Release\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7.appx Install PS C:\>Add-AppxPackage .\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7.appx Install Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop Download Install PS C:\>Add-AppxPackage .\Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx Install Winget Download Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle or any recent versions (tested using 1.6.2771) from Github Download license file 27abf0d1afe340e7a64fb696056b2672_License1.xml (should be one of the artifacts) from Github, the same URL from above. Install PS C:\cd ~/Downloads PS C:\Users\u1\Down

Doing winget install fails with a message "Failed when searching source: msstore An unexpected error occurred while executing the command: 0x8a15005e : The server certificate did not match any of the expected values."

Doing winget install fails with a message "Failed when searching source: msstore An unexpected error occurred while executing the command: 0x8a15005e : The server certificate did not match any of the expected values." I tried to install Windows Terminal using the command below - C:\>winget install Microsoft.WindowsTerminal But got the following error message instead. Failed when searching source: msstore An unexpected error occurred while executing the command: 0x8a15005e : The server certificate did not match any of the expected values. The following packages were found among the working sources. Please specify one of them using the --source option to proceed. Name Id Source ------------------------------------------------- Windows Terminal Microsoft.WindowsTerminal winget Reason: This is normally caused by SSL inspection used in enterprise environments. Workaround: C:\>winget settings --enable BypassCertificatePinningF

Install Windows Terminal using winget

Install Windows Terminal using winget Windows Terminal is a new, modern, feature-rich, productive terminal application for command-line users. It includes many of the features most frequently requested by the Windows command-line community including support for tabs, rich text, globalization, configurability, theming & styling, and more. To install Windows Terminal using winget , do: PS C:\>winget install Microsoft.WindowsTerminal Note: To install winget on Windows 2022 follow this link .

Install PowerShell using winget

(Formerly PowerShell Core) PowerShell is a cross-platform task automation solution made up of a command-line shell, a scripting language, and a configuration management framework. PowerShell runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS. To install PowerShell on Windows using winget , do: PS C:\>winget install Microsoft.PowerShell Note: To install winget on Windows 2022 follow this link .

Install Winget on Windows 2022

Install Winget on Windows 2022 This is not working anymore on Windows 10 LTSC as of 10/14/2023 Use this post for an updated instructions - Install Pre-reqs Install Microsoft.UI.Xaml/2.7.3 Navigate to , on the left side look for Download Package button to download microsoft.ui.xaml.2.7.3.nupkg. Using 7-zip, extract microsoft.ui.xaml.2.7.3.nupkg\microsoft.ui.xaml.2.7.3.nupkg\tools\AppX\x64\Release\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7.appx Install PS C:\>Add-AppxPackage .\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7.appx Install Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop Download Install PS C:\>Add-AppxPackage .\Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx Install Winget Download Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle or any recent versions (tested using 1.4.10173) from Github Download license file 3463f