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Showing posts from June, 2007

Getting PUTTY to draw line correctly

This is a shameful direct copy of the information from this link . To make it all work right, you need to twiddle the following configuration settings: Terminal → Keyboard: Change the sequences sent by: The Functions keys and Keypad: Select Linux. Window → Appearance: Font settings: Pick a font that contains the Unicode line drawing characters, such as Andale Mono or Lucida Console. (Unfortunately Vista’s gorgeous new Consolas font does not have those.) Window → Translation: Character set translation on received data: Select UTF-8. Adjust how PuTTY handles line drawing characters: Select Use Unicode line drawing code points. Connection → Data: Terminal details: Terminal-type string: Enter “linux”. Now line drawing characters should show up as they are supposed to. ~ts~

Generate GUID in Python running in Windows

GUID can be useful as a primary key for a databases and also for the records or rows of data that needs to be unique. There are a lot of tools that can generate a GUID but in this quickie blog, I am documenting how to generate a GUID using Python in Windows. To generate a GUID, import the code below: import pythoncom _guid = pythoncom . CreateGuid () _guid_str = str ( _guid ) print "%s GUID is %d long" %( _guid_str , len ( _guid_str )) ~ts~

Grab screen capture programatically

Pre-requisite: Python 2.5 for Windows Python Imaging Library ( PIL ). Install Python 2.5 for Microsoft Windows. Make sure that you have administrative rights to be able to install the application properly. After having verified that Python is installed and working, install Python Imaging Library. See below for a sample of screen capture python script. #--<-start code here->-- import ImageGrab ; img = ImageGrab . grab () img . save ( "D:\\test.jpg" ) #--<-end code here->-- ~ts~

Detecting the process using/locking a file

In Windows, if a file is being used, normally user cannot delete it. But there are cases, especially during development and/or troubleshooting, where a file needs to be deleted or renamed. The issue here is that deleting a locked/used file is not allowed in Windows. Windows Explorer does not give even a slight hint as to who has the lock on the file. Fortunately, Mark Russinovich of Microsoft , developed a tool to list the process that is having a lock on the file. The name of the tool is "handle" and can be downloaded from the site . If you have a file readme.txt and you want to delete it and for some reason their is a rouge application getting hold of it. To get the process name of the application that's using it, just issue the command: handle readme.txt ~ts~

Clear arp cache

Background: The address resolution protocol (arp) is a protocol used by the Internet Protocol (IP), specifically IPv4, to map IP network addresses to the hardware addresses used by a data link protocol. The protocol operates below the network layer as a part of the interface between the OSI network and OSI link layer. It is used when IPv4 is used over Ethernet. The term address resolution refers to the process of finding an address of a computer in a network. The address is "resolved" using a protocol in which a piece of information is sent by a client process executing on the local computer to a server process executing on a remote computer. The information received by the server allows the server to uniquely identify the network system for which the address was required and therefore to provide the required address. The address resolution procedure is completed when the client receives a response from the server containing the required address. An Ethernet network uses tw...