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Showing posts from September, 2008

Piping pslist or tslist to findstr

If you are are a console junkie and you frequently play around or look around what is running in your system you may find that using TaskManager can be time consuming and limiting. So I looked around and found a way to use pslist (from Windows Sysinternals) or tslist ( a built in command line ). The command below means to show information about a process running on "remote_machine" with process name of python.exe D:\><path_to_pslist>pslist.exe \\remote_machine | findstr python.exe This one is using the built in tslist command. Same as before, we want to query for a process named python.exe on "remote_machine." D:\> tslist /S remote_machine | findstr python ~ts

Powertools free software

Vitrite is a tiny utility written by me,  Ryan VanMiddlesworth , that allows you to manually adjust the level of transparency for almost any visible window. It works by utilizing a feature present in Windows 2000/XP (and all later incarnations) for variable window transparency. WinSpy++ is a handy programmer's utility which can be used to select and view the properties of any window in the system. WinSpy is based around the Spy++ utility that ships with Microsoft Visual Studio. ~ts

Windows Server 2008 64bit crashing randomly after memory upgrade

I have VMWare Server 2.0 Beta x running on Windows Server 2008 Std 64bit. At only 2GB I can only run one virtual machine. So the machine was upgraded to 8GB! I didn't notice much performance improvement in the host machine but I can start kicking in four virtual machines. But......... The big but.. was that Windows Server 2008 just crashes randomly. Sometimes just a few minutes.. booom it crashes. Digging a little further I was able to simulate the crash pretty easily. Remote the machine's console session (/admin switch in mstsc.exe) then login back to the host machine. So I was thinking/asking myself, was it because of the new 8GB memory upgrade? It must be, but is it the hardware or software that does not like the upgrade. Trying to eliminate variables, I booted the machine into System Rescue CD then run memtest for two hours. No dice here. So it must not be the new memory being faulty. Digging more, I found out that there was a video error logged in Control Panel...