Code below can be used to dump PE string resource using python. import os import re import pefile # import sys def DumpStr(fname): try: pe = pefile.PE(fname) except: print sys.exc_info()[0] print "Continue to the next exe/dll" return # The List will contain all the extracted Unicode strings # strings = list() # Fetch the index of the resource directory entry containing the strings # try: rt_string_idx = [ for entry in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE.entries].index(pefile.RESOURCE_TYPE['RT_STRING']) except (ValueError,AttributeError): return # Get the directory entry # rt_string_directory = pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE.entries[rt_string_idx] # For each of the entries (which will each contain a block of 16 strings) # for entry in # Get the RVA of the st...
In VirtualBox 3.0.2, I have noticed that most of the times the mouse goes invisible on text areas. For example, if you are in Notepad, once you starting writing some text in the text area the mouse pointer goes into the black hole. The work around is really easy. Go to (Windows XP) Control Panel –> Mouse –> Pointers, then select Windows Black (system scheme). ~ts
For some reason, some diskimages created using partimage will encounter "invalid compression level" when restored. See below for the workaround to restore the image back. #: ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows #: mv /mnt/windows/img/vista.img.000 /mnt/windows/img/vista.img.gz #: gunzip -c /mnt/windows/img/vista.img.gz | partimage restore /dev/sda1 stdin ~ts
Easy Peasy is a linux distribution tuned for EEE PC (Asus Netbook) computers. D:\Software\iso\syslinux\win32>syslinux.exe -m -a -d / i: -f Working with swapfile Swappiness ness%27%27
This has never occurred to me before, I have been tweaking win32 API for awhile, but I really never paid much attention with the dimensions as saved in resource files for dialog boxes. Interestingly, the units stored in rc file are not really in pixel but rather in dialog unit. :( My understanding is that this will make the dialog independent of the font size. If user/developer changes the font size, the dialog box will adjust accordingly. Seems like a neat idea but I was dumbfounded at first sight. It makes my life harder though as I am trying to cross-reference runtime dialog boxes against design time. I was planning to cross ref them using the dimensions but it turns out to be not a good option. The quest is on........... Related links: ~rs~