OPC Automation IDL, TLB and header files are not easy to find. You can obtain this files from OPC Foundation if you are a member or maybe from OPC application vendor. The IDL file can be reverse engineered using OLE-Com Object Viewer. Once the IDL is generated TLB and other files can be generated from it as well. Below is a general direction how to do this. Steps to reverse generate IDL, TLB and header files for OPCDAAuto.dll: Download Windows 7 SDK. I am using GRMSDKX_EN_DVD.iso as the OS is Windows 7 64-bit. Install the SDK. Open CMD Shell (Start | All Programs | Microsoft Windows SDK v7.0 | CMD Shell) Change directory to bin folder. Run oleview.exe , this will open a 32-bit version of the application. Note that this is important as the OPCDAAuto.dll I have is 32-bit as well. Navigate to Type Libraries | OPC Automation 2.0 (Ver 1.0) Double click to view Type Library definition. Do File | Save As... to D:\OPCDaAuto\OPCDaAuto.IDL . Go back to the cmd.exe as per ...
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