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Showing posts from May, 2022

Allow external clients to connect to minikube service

Allow external clients to connect to minikube service Say you have a minikube cluster, you can use this minikube start tutorial as a reference, how can external applications or clients connect to it? You can run the following to expose balanced service (for example): $: kubectl port-forward --address service/balanced 8080:8080 Refs: Keywords: Kubernetes k8s minikube port forward

Enable Copy/Paste using VMware Remote Console

Enable Copy/Paste using VMware Remote Console VMware ESXi 6.5 disables copy/paste functionality by default for security reasons. If the security implications are acceptable, copy/paste funcationality can be enabled on per VM basis. It should be possible to change it at the host level but that will be for another post. Follow the following steps to allow copy/paste: Power down the VM Do Actions | Edit Settings In Edit Settings window, look for Edit Configuration button Add the following parameters Key Value FALSE FALSE TRUE Power up the VM Refs: Keyworks: VMware copy paste vmrc Remote Console