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Showing posts from December, 2023

Fedora 35 Workstation installation screen capture

Just an itch, wanted to see how Fedora 35 Workstation looks like. For other versions see  here .

Fedora 34 Workstation installation screen capture

Just an itch, wanted to see how Fedora 34 Workstation looks like. For other versions see  here .

EOleException: Microsoft MSXML is not installed when calling LoadXMLDocument

EOleException: Microsoft MSXML is not installed when calling LoadXMLDocument LoadXMLDocument returns IXMLDocument which by default uses MSXML on Windows. MSXML is a COM componet which requires client to initialize COM library. Below shows a bare bones Delphi 11.3 console application initializing COM library. Tags: COM, DCOM, Delphi, XML

Fedora 33 Workstation installation screen capture

Just an itch, wanted to see how Fedora 33 Workstation looks like. For other versions see  here .

My Git cheat sheet

My Git cheat sheet Undo changes and remove untracked files c:\> git reset --hard HEAD c:\> git clean -fd Push local branch to remote c:\> git push -u origin feature/featurename Clone and checkout remote c:\> git clone --branch v1.3.9 --single-branch To view the name of the head (detached like above) c:\> git show -s --pretty=%d HEAD

Installing QNX 6.5 on Hyper-V 2022

Installing QNX 6.5 on Hyper-V 2022 Create a VM in Hyper-V Remove all NICs and add a legacy network adapater Power up and install QNX 6.5 This assumes that the ISO was already mounted. It is important that DMA is abled by pressing d and then press ENTER key. After few seconds it should show something like below. Press F3 to install QNX into the HDD. Hereafter, default ( F1 ) selection should be OK. Once installation is complete, remove the ISO. Remember to disable DMA every time the VM is restarted.