Saturday, December 24, 2022

Installing Qt Creator 4.11.x on Windows 10

This is a quick guide on installing Qt Creator 4.11.x on Windows 10.

* Download the QT Online Installer (as of March 2020 it can be downloaded from here).
* Run qt-unified-windows-x86-3.2.2-online.exe and follow the installation wizard like below
Welcome screen
Create an account or login 
Accept Qt Open Source obligations
Setup Qt
Contribute to Qt Create User Experience Development
Select installation folder
Select Components - Default selection
Select MinGW 7.3.0 32-bit and MinGW 7.3.0 64-bit
Under Developer and Designer Tools - check MinGW 7.3.0 32-bit/64-bit
Accept License Agreement
Start Menu Shortcuts
Ready to Install
Installing Qt
Creating Maintenance Tool
Completing the Qt Wizard
Qt Creator!
Keywords: Qt Creator, MinGW 7.3.x

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Native boot into VHDX

Native boot into VHDX

Why would you boot into VHDX instead of dual booting? Because it is easy(ier) vs adjusting partition post-Windows installation. And the partition layout may not be easy to adjust without using advanced partitioning tool. Also booting into native VHDX gives full access to the hardware without the penalty of virtualization. This allow you to run say other virtuaization on top of native boot!
I prepare VHDX using Hyper-V and once it is ready to my liking I use the VHDX to boot into it. Below are the general steps:

  • Copy a VHDX into the desired location. For example, copy C:\VMs\W21H1M2\Virtual Hard Disks\W21H1M2.vhdx to C:\VMs\NaviteBoot\NaviteBoot.vhdx
  • Mount C:\VMs\NaviteBoot\NaviteBoot.vhdx using File Explorer
  • Note of volume/drive letter for the mounted VHDX, e.g. V:
  • Change directory to V:\Windows
  • Run bcdboot V:\Windows. This should have added the VHDX into the boot options
  • Optional, change the boot description. Get the GUID entry for the just added VHDX. The GUID can be displayed by running bcdedit /v. Look for the GUID that corresponds to the folder location of the VHDX. Then run bcdedit /set like below
    c:\>bcdedit /set {02e6ec1d-d2c3-11ea-a71f-b3a579503f4b} description “W10VHDX2”

    {02e6ec1d-d2c3-11ea-a71f-b3a579503f4b}: was taken from step above
    W10VHDX2: is the label
  • Optional, change boot order. Using the same GUID, run bcdedit /default like below
    c:\>bcdedit /default {02e6ec1d-d2c3-11ea-a71f-b3a579503f4b}
Now reboot and note that the first entry in the boot sequence is labled W10VHDX2. To delete the entry use msconfig.exe

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Get display resolution from the command line

Get display resolution from the command line

This will get both local resolution and remote desktop screen resolution using WMIC.
c:\>wmic path Win32_VideoController get VideoModeDescription

Sample out below when run on remote desktop session

1024 x 768 x 4294967296 colors
1912 x 989 x 4294967296 colors
Tags: WMIC screen resolution

Saturday, October 08, 2022

Running gles1-gears on QNX 6.6 VMware VM

Running gles1-gears on QNX 6.6 VMware VM

# telnetd -debug &
# export GRAPHICS_ROOT=/usr/lib/graphics/vmware
# screen
Using a telnet client, do:
# export GRAPHICS_ROOT=/usr/lib/graphics/vmware
# /usr/bin/gles1-gears

Run telnet server on QNX 6.6

Run telnet server on QNX 6.6

#: telnetd -debug

Thursday, October 06, 2022

Windows Quick Tip: Enable/Disable Run Dialog history

Windows Quick Tip: Enable/Disable Run Dialog history

Windows Run Dialog history can be disalbed for security or enabled for convenience
To enable/disable, navigate to the registry key below:
Start_TrackProgs DWORD
0 = Turn off
1 = Turn on

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

PowerShell Quick Tip: Change screen resolution from the command line

PowerShell Quick Tip: Change screen resolution from the command line

I had a VM that I can't open Display Settings, so had to figure out how to change the screen resolution from the command line. This can also be handy if you have several machines that for some reason has to be running at specified resolution, for example, running UI automated tests.
PS C:\>Set-DisplayResolution -Width 1600 -Height 900

Tags:PowerShell, command line, screen resolution

Installing QNX 6.4.1 on Ubuntu 20.04

Installing QNX 6.4.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 Install pre-requisites $: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 $: sudo apt update $: sudo apt install li...