Saturday, August 12, 2023

ESXi 6.5.0 fails to start a VM with a message "Maximum virtual machines limit reached: ## (#### worlds)"

Maximum virtual machines limit reached: ## (##### worlds)

ESXi 6.5.0 by default determines the maximum number of VMs dynamically at runtime. In certain scenarios this might be too conservative and you will not be able to start a virtual machine. If you are observing a message like below when starting a VM then you have hit the limit.
Maximum virtual machines limit reached: ## (##### worlds).
This behavior is controlled by VMkernel.Boot.maxVMs in Advanced settings. Change this to a value that might be reasonable based on CPU, memory and network capacity. The same setting can be changed from SSH shell like below:
[root@localhost:~] esxcli system settings kernel set -s maxVMs -v 1024
Reboot the server for this change to take effect.
Tag: ESXi

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Running OPC UA .Net Standard PubSub reference server on Ubuntu 22.04 using dotnet-sdk-6.0

Running OPC UA .Net Standard PubSub reference server on Ubuntu 22.04 using dotnet-sdk-6.0

System info:
OS: Ubuntu 22.04
OPC UA .Net Standard under test: 1.4.371.96

Install MQTT broker

$: sudo apt install mosquitto

Install dotnet-sdk-6.0

$: sudo apt install dotnet-sdk-6.0

Install git as needed

$: sudo apt install git

Clone OPC UA .Net Standard git repo

$: mkdir ~/prj
$: cd ~/prj
$: git clone
$: cd UA-.NETStandard
$: git checkout refs/tags/1.4.371.96

Run publisher

$: dotnet run --project Applications/ConsoleReferencePublisher/ConsoleReferencePublisher.csproj --framework net6.0

Run subscriber (on another terminal)

$: cd ~/prj/UA-.NETStandard
$: dotnet run --project Applications/ConsoleReferenceSubscriber/ConsoleReferenceSubscriber.csproj --framework net6.0

Unable to install updates (null): cannot refresh "snap-store": snap "snap-store" has running apps (snap-store)

Unable to install updates
(null): cannot refresh "snap-store": snap "snap-store" has running apps (snap-store), pids:#####

Using Ubuntu Software to update Snap packages failed on Ubuntu 22.04.
To fix it run the following:
$: killall snap-store
$: snap refresh

Running OPC UA .Net Standard PubSub reference server on Ubuntu 20.04 using dotnet-sdk-3.1

Running OPC UA .Net Standard PubSub reference server on Ubuntu 20.04 using dotnet-sdk-3.1

High Level Info:

OPC UA .Net Standard under test: 1.4.371.96
OS: Ubuntu 20.04 (>20.04 not working due to dotnet-sdk-3.1 is not supported)

Install dotnet-sdk-3.1

$: wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
$: sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
$: rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
$: sudo apt update
$: sudo apt install dotnet-sdk-3.1

Clone OPC UA .Net Standard git repo

$: mkdir -p ~/prj
$: git clone -b 1.4.371.96

Install MQTT broker Mosquitto and supporting tools

$: sudo apt install mosquitto
$: sudo apt  install mosquitto-clients

Run mqtt sub client to see traffic

$: mosquitto_sub -h localhost -v -t '#'

Run reference PubSub publisher

$: cd ~/prj/UA-.NETStandard/Applications/ConsoleReferencePublisher
$: dotnet run --project ConsoleReferencePublisher.csproj --framework netcoreapp3.1

Run reference PubSub subscriber

$: cd ~/prj/UA-.NETStandard/Applications/ConsoleReferenceSubscriber
$: dotnet run --project ConsoleReferenceSubscriber.csproj --framework netcoreapp3.1
Install the .NET SDK or the .NET Runtime on Ubuntu

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

How to upgrade Dell VRTX iDRAC?

How to upgrade Dell VRTX iDRAC?

  • Download iDrac firmware update. This was tested using iDRAC_2.65.65.65_A00.exe. Run it to extract firmimg.d7 file.
  • Open iDRAC (for VRTX, iDRAC can be opened from the CMC interface). Navigate to Update and Rollback, select the file and upload.
  • Successful upload looks like this
  • In Update Details, select the firmware and do Install. This operation can take a while.

How to upgrade Dell VRTX CMC firmware?

How to upgrade Dell VRTX CMC firmware?

  • Prerequisite
    Download CMC Firmware from Dell website. Was using CMC firmware 3.4.1 as the target version.
  • Login to CMC
  • Goto Chassis Overview
  • Goto Update tab
  • Locate CMC Firmware section
  • Select version to upgrade
  • Click on Apply CMC Update
  • In CMC Firmware details, select Choose File. Note - vrtx_cmc.bin should be downloaded prior to this activity
  • Once firmware is selected, it should be displayed on screen. Do Begin Firmware Upgrade. Note that the upgrade can take 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
  • After upgrade, it should show updated version like this

How to change Dell VRTX CMC chassis name (or VRTX name)

How to change Dell VRTX CMC chassis name (or VRTX name)

  • Login to CMC
  • Goto Chassis Overview
  • Goto Setup tab
  • In Setup tab, change Chassis Name and hit on Apply

Installing QNX 6.4.1 on Ubuntu 20.04

Installing QNX 6.4.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 Install pre-requisites $: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 $: sudo apt update $: sudo apt install li...