Location : Near Shangri La Plaza Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philipipines
Decide for yourself if this internet subscription is worth the cost
Impression: Globe Visibility is very slow compared to wired, always on internet subscription. Upload is very very slow. Browsing is marginally/slightly faster to dial-up. But note the price. Globe Visibility is 2000.oo flat which is way more expensive compared to cable/dsl. If you don't need extreme mobility please do yourself a favor, get wired connection.
Note: Listed below are top speed, nominal/average speed is way below dial-up speeds.
[Update (04March07)] After pooking around with how E220 modem works, I was able to achieve reasonable speeds. I think with this new speed Globe Visibility is good enough for home and for mobile users. I will create another blog entry describing how I managed to get decent speeds from Visibility.
See the table tracking here. I have another table with more columns here .
As of 06August2007 I can only connect to Edge network :(.
23Nov2008 - Seems like Globe has issues with DNS. Accessing random websites return something indicative of DNS issues. I have called Globe and asked them to contact me if they have more information from their tech group but to no avail. Seems like they just don't really care about their customers but the bill is coming on time though. And for the past 3 or 4 weeks we can only connect reliably through EDGE.
Decide for yourself if this internet subscription is worth the cost
Impression: Globe Visibility is very slow compared to wired, always on internet subscription. Upload is very very slow. Browsing is marginally/slightly faster to dial-up. But note the price. Globe Visibility is 2000.oo flat which is way more expensive compared to cable/dsl. If you don't need extreme mobility please do yourself a favor, get wired connection.
Note: Listed below are top speed, nominal/average speed is way below dial-up speeds.
[Update (04March07)] After pooking around with how E220 modem works, I was able to achieve reasonable speeds. I think with this new speed Globe Visibility is good enough for home and for mobile users. I will create another blog entry describing how I managed to get decent speeds from Visibility.
See the table tracking here. I have another table with more columns here .
As of 06August2007 I can only connect to Edge network :(.
23Nov2008 - Seems like Globe has issues with DNS. Accessing random websites return something indicative of DNS issues. I have called Globe and asked them to contact me if they have more information from their tech group but to no avail. Seems like they just don't really care about their customers but the bill is coming on time though. And for the past 3 or 4 weeks we can only connect reliably through EDGE.
If you can share the name of your vpn client then I _might_ be able to help.
And of course, don't forget that when you connect be sure to include your domain name, example:
Hope to help.
Note: I used to connect to the company VPN directly but this means all the traffic will go through your office network. Not good when you are browsing some sensitive information that you don't want your office to know (they can always peek at your data). So I have moved my vpn client over to a VMware virtual machine. This means I can connect to my office network while simultaneously browsing internet safely without the watchful eye of your office system administrator.