STAF is a software test automation framework, see this link for more information. When installing the software remotely without manual intervention, silent install is must have feature. The package was actually created using InstallShield Multiplatform. In fact silent installation is documented in the STAF User's Guide. But unfortunately it does not mention all the options, just the most frequently used ones.
What I am going to do here is to document how to get those options and a sample command to install STAF with "Start STAF on user login" and "Place Icons on the Quick Start Menu" not included during installation.
To get the command line options, you need to read the InstallShield .uip file that defines all those options. For STAF this can be found from this link.
To get the command line option for "Start STAF on user login" and "Place Icons on the Quick Start Menu" was not really that challenging because the developers were using variables that pretty much describes them. Example, stafOptions.startSTAFOnLogin was used for "Start STAF on user login" and stafOptions.iconsOnQuickStartMenu was used for "Place Icons on the Quick Start Menu."
With the information at hand, command should now look like below:
d:\>STAF323-setup-win32 -is:log D:\ismplog.txt -silent -W license.selection="Accept" -W setupTypes.selectedSetupTypeId="Full" -W stafOptions.updateEnvironmentVariables="System" -W stafOptions.defaultIPvVersion="IPv4 only" -W stafOptions.startSTAFOnLogin="false" -W stafOptions.iconsOnQuickStartMenu="false"This assumes that STAF323-setup-win32.exe is in the system path or on D:\. ~ts