Creating a user in Fedora now is so much easier that it used to 5 years ago. To do this, do "System > Administration > Users and Group" or through console command "system-config-users" as regular user.
Once the program is run it should ask for root password.
Once the required password is entered, you should see a window as shown below.
Now to create the new user either do "File > Add User" or click on Add User button. Let us try to create a new user with the corresponding information:
User Name: timus
Full Name: Timus Tunes
Password : password
Confirm Password : password
Login Shell: /bin/bash
Leave the rest with the default values.
Once the program is run it should ask for root password.
Once the required password is entered, you should see a window as shown below.
Now to create the new user either do "File > Add User" or click on Add User button. Let us try to create a new user with the corresponding information:
User Name: timus
Full Name: Timus Tunes
Password : password
Confirm Password : password
Login Shell: /bin/bash
Leave the rest with the default values.