Font smoothing and subpixel rendering is not configured/enabled by default in OpenSUSE 11.4. It seems like there are patents (see link) around subpixel rendering that prevents FOSS distros from enabling this be default.
For smallish installation (home use or experimentation) this might not be too much of a deal but of course who really knows that the patent owner will do to enforce it. So if you are not comfortable doing this, please stop.
First, need to download subpixel package by muzlocker. This can be done in a console.
Next, create .Xdefaults, from a console do:
Then copy the following:
Next up, create .fonts.conf file, can be created in console, like:
Then copy/paste the following:
To ensure that changes take effect, logout then log back in. If not working, reboot.
subpixel packages by MuZlockER
OpenSUSE, font smoothing, subpixel rendering
For smallish installation (home use or experimentation) this might not be too much of a deal but of course who really knows that the patent owner will do to enforce it. So if you are not comfortable doing this, please stop.
First, need to download subpixel package by muzlocker. This can be done in a console.
sudo zypper addrepo subpixel sudo zypper ref sudo zypper dup
Next, create .Xdefaults, from a console do:
cd ~ touch .Xdefaults kwrite .Xdefaults
Then copy the following:
Xft.autohint: 0 Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault Xft.hintstyle: hintslight Xft.hinting: 1 Xft.antialias: 1 Xft.dpi: 96 Xft.rgba: rgb
Next up, create .fonts.conf file, can be created in console, like:
cd ~ touch .fonts.conf kwrite .fonts.conf
Then copy/paste the following:
rgb true hintslight true
To ensure that changes take effect, logout then log back in. If not working, reboot.
subpixel packages by MuZlockER
OpenSUSE, font smoothing, subpixel rendering