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Showing posts from August, 2022

CPP: Windows: GetDiskFreeSpaceExW

CPP: Windows: GetDiskFreeSpaceExW Retrieves information about the amount of space that is available on a disk volume, which is the total amount of space, the total amount of free space, and the total amount of free space available to the user that is associated with the calling thread. Notes: - Tested using Visual Studio 2022 (17.2.6) C++ Windows Console template Reference(s):

CPP: Windows: FindFirstVolumeW

CPP: Windows: FindFirstVolumeW Retrieves the name of a volume on a computer. FindFirstVolume is used to begin scanning the volumes of a computer. See line 85 for sample usage Notes: - Tested using Visual Studio 2022 (17.2.6) C++ Windows Console template Reference(s):