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Showing posts from January, 2016

Show a temporary window in SikuliX

I can't find documentation in SikuliX to show a window or dialog and hide/close it after configured time. Since SikuliX uses Jython behind the scenes and Jython can access Java easily then showing a simple Swing window should be straightforward. Sample code below demonstrates Alternative solution as proposed by Raiman Reference(s): Github Jython GUI Sample applications Swing Sample applications in Jython

Eclipse configuration

Oxygen.2 (v4.7.2): Base: Eclipse Platform Binary( link ) Tfs Integration: Team Explorer Everywhere ( link ) Python Editor: PyDev System Integration: StartExplorer( link )  Location: Subversion Integration: Subclipse Web Development: Eclipse Web Developer Tools XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools Neon (v4.6.x): Base: Eclipse Platform ( link ) Tfs Integration: Team Explorer Everywhere ( link ) Python Editor: PyDev System Integration: StartExplorer( link )  Location: Subversion Integration: Subclipse Web Development: Eclipse Web Developer Tools XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools Mars.1(v4.5.x): Base: Eclipse Classic Python Editor: PyDev System Integration: StartExplorer( link )  Location: Subversion Integration: Subclipse Tfs Integration: Web Development: Eclipse Web Developer Tools XM...

Assign keyboard shortcut to lxterminal on LXDE

On my Debian 8.2 LXDE minimal install, need to assign keyboard shortcut to open lxterminal. To assign keyboard binding in LXDE, open  ~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml  then add the following inside <keyboard>  element: Then run the following to for OpenBox/LXDE to reload the configuration. $: openbox --reconfigure Reference(s):

The type or namespace name `Gtk' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

After fixing items below related to MonoDevelop on Linux Mint 7.3, another error shows up: The type or namespace name `Gtk' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? To fix install gtk-sharp-2.0 libraries, like: $: sudo apt-get install gtk-sharp2

Could not obtain a C# compiler. C# compiler not found for Mono / .Net 4.0

Tried to build a monodevelop project in Linux Mint 17.3 but got the following error message Could not obtain a C# compiler. C# compiler not found for Mono / .Net 4.0 To fix this do: $: sudo apt-get install mono-gmcs Reference(s):