Oxygen.2 (v4.7.2):
Base: Eclipse Platform Binary(link)
Tfs Integration: Team Explorer Everywhere (link)
Python Editor: PyDev
System Integration: StartExplorer(link)
Location: http://basti1302.github.com/startexplorer/update/
Subversion Integration: Subclipse
Web Development: Eclipse Web Developer Tools
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Neon (v4.6.x):
Base: Eclipse Platform (link)
Tfs Integration: Team Explorer Everywhere (link)
Python Editor: PyDev
System Integration: StartExplorer(link)
Location: http://basti1302.github.com/startexplorer/update/
Subversion Integration: Subclipse
Web Development: Eclipse Web Developer Tools
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Base: Eclipse Classic
Python Editor: PyDev
System Integration: StartExplorer(link)
Location: http://basti1302.github.com/startexplorer/update/
Subversion Integration: Subclipse
Tfs Integration:
Web Development: Eclipse Web Developer Tools
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Base: Eclipse Classic
Python Editor: PyDev
System Integration: StartExplorer http://basti1302.github.io/startexplorer/
Subversion Integration: Subclipse
Web Development: Eclipse Web Developer Tools
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Base: Eclipse IDE for Tester
Subversion Integration: Subclipse
Python Editor: PyDev
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Base: Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Subversion Integration: Subversive
Python Editor: PyDev
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Base: Eclipse Platform Binary(link)
Tfs Integration: Team Explorer Everywhere (link)
Python Editor: PyDev
System Integration: StartExplorer(link)
Location: http://basti1302.github.com/startexplorer/update/
Subversion Integration: Subclipse
Web Development: Eclipse Web Developer Tools
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Base: Eclipse Platform (link)
Tfs Integration: Team Explorer Everywhere (link)
Python Editor: PyDev
System Integration: StartExplorer(link)
Location: http://basti1302.github.com/startexplorer/update/
Subversion Integration: Subclipse
Web Development: Eclipse Web Developer Tools
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Base: Eclipse Classic
Python Editor: PyDev
System Integration: StartExplorer(link)
Location: http://basti1302.github.com/startexplorer/update/
Subversion Integration: Subclipse
Tfs Integration:
Web Development: Eclipse Web Developer Tools
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Base: Eclipse Classic
Python Editor: PyDev
System Integration: StartExplorer http://basti1302.github.io/startexplorer/
Subversion Integration: Subclipse
Web Development: Eclipse Web Developer Tools
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Base: Eclipse IDE for Tester
Subversion Integration: Subclipse
Python Editor: PyDev
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
Base: Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Subversion Integration: Subversive
Python Editor: PyDev
XML Editor: Eclipse XML Editors and Tools