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Showing posts from August, 2024

Install TigerVNC server on Linux Mint 22 Wilma

Install TigerVNC server on Linux Mint 22 Wilma Install TigerVNC package $: sudo apt install tigervnc-standalone-server Configure/create ~/.vnc/xstartup file $: mkdir -p ~/.vnc touch ~/.vnc/xstartup chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup Check what is the exec command to start the Cinamon session $: ls /usr/share/xsessions/ It should show somethig like: u1@m0:~/.vnc$ ls /usr/share/xsessions/ cinnamon2d.desktop cinnamon.desktop Let's use cinnamon.desktop and check the contents $: /usr/share/xsessions/cinnamon.desktop It should show somethig like: [Desktop Entry] Name=Cinnamon Comment=This session logs you into Cinnamon Exec=cinnamon-session-cinnamon TryExec=/usr/bin/cinnamon Icon= Type=Application The Exec command is cinnamon-session-cinnamon . Edit ~/.vnc/xstartup , and add contents below. Note we are using cinnamon-session--cinnamon : #!/bin/bash unset SESSION_MANAGER unset DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS exec cinnamon-session-cinnamon Now run vncserver . On the first tim...

Installing TightVNC from the command line on Windows

Download TightVNC and then run the command below. In the example, it is assumed that the file is located in C:\ and that the file was unblocked after downloading. c:\> "tightvnc-2.8.27-gpl-setup-64bit.msi" /quiet /norestart ADDLOCAL="Server,Viewer" VIEWER_ASSOCIATE_VNC_EXTENSION=1 SERVER_REGISTER_AS_SERVICE=1 SERVER_ADD_FIREWALL_EXCEPTION=1 VIEWER_ADD_FIREWALL_EXCEPTION=1 SERVER_ALLOW_SAS=1 SET_USEVNCAUTHENTICATION=1 VALUE_OF_USEVNCAUTHENTICATION=1 SET_PASSWORD=1 VALUE_OF_PASSWORD=p@$$w0rd SET_USECONTROLAUTHENTICATION=1 VALUE_OF_USECONTROLAUTHENTICATION=1 SET_CONTROLPASSWORD=1 VALUE_OF_CONTROLPASSWORD=p@$$w0rd Change p@$$w0rd to the desired password Reference: