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Installing Adobe flash player in Fedora

Fedora 14 does not include Adobe flash player in their repository as it is non-free. To install the plugin for Firefox, Mozilla or SeaMonkey you have to do it manually. To do this go to , select YUM for Linux. Download this to a convenient location, by default  this goes to /home/[user]/Downloads if you are using Firefox. Open a console and do: cd ~/Downloads su -c 'rpm -ivh adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm' What we have just done is install the repositories file, if you check /etc/yum.repos.d, you should see adobe-linux-i386.repo. This allows Fedora update manager to automatically update our copy of flash player should new version is available. To complete this part we have to import GPG key, thus say: su -c 'rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux' Now to install the plugin do: su -c 'yum install nspluginwrapper alsa-plugins-pulseaudio flash-plugin' You can check if the plugin is working by hitting th

Fedora 14 screen capture

Fedora 14 was released last Nov 2, 2010, awfully long time ago in the Linux world. Anyway, I am just documenting here how it looks like installing Fedora 14 in VirtualBox. I have done this for the top 5 distributions and I am gonna do this for Fedora again. In terms of the installation screens, nothing much that meets the eye. I have no doubt that internally much has changed. Anyway, what follows are the screen capture while I was installing Fedora 14. As usual, you can use the images as you see fit, no need for permission. Figure 1. Boot splash Figure 2. Live installer login screen Figure 3. Live installer desktop Figure 4. Installer first screen Figure 5. Keyboard Selection Figure 6. Initialize disk Figure 7. Set machine hostname Figure 8. Storage Type Figure 8a. Figure 9. Root password Figure 10. Storage allocation Figure 11. Timezone selection Figure 12. Installation complete Figure 13. Welcome screen Figure 14. License Information Figure 15. Creat

Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Alpha 2 with VirtualBox 4.0.2

Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Alpha 2 was released last February 3, 2011. I have it installed on VirtualBox 4.0.2 with Windows 7 Professional as the host. Installation was smooth and uneventful. But installing VirtualBox guest addition that comes with the default installer seems like incompatible with Ubuntu Natty Alpha 2. Here is what I got when I tried to install: Warning: unsupported pre-release of Server Installed It seems like some changes has to be done before it will work with this version of Ubuntu. But since VirtualBox does have an open source version of the guest additions, this can be used instead of the stock version. To do this, you have to: apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 Reboot and enjoy Ubuntu Alpha 2!!!! Updates: [23March2011]: Since 21March2011, Guest Additions that comes with VirtualBox 4.0.4 does not work anymore. Updated my copy today and installed the above packages and it sav

Keep getting "Enter your password to perform administrative task" in Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat custom install

I have a custom Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat install using alternate install. Part of the minimal install was a lean GNOME configuration with only the bare minimum applications installed. I have added synaptic and update-manager to keep the system up to date using GUI application. The issue was that when I open up Synaptic, I keep getting: Enter your password to perform administrative task To fix this, add desktop-base, thus say: sudo aptitude install desktop-base Enjoy! ~ts

Load langs.xml failed! in Notepad++

I got Notepad++ 5.7 installed in Windows 7 Professional, used to work nicely but lately I am getting the following error: Load langs.xml failed! One reason could be that lang.xml got corrupted. This is not unexpected as Windows 7 I am using tends to hang-up and I need to force a hard reboot. One way to fix this is to: 1) Navigate to C:\Program Files\Notepad++. 2) Rename lang.xml to lang.xml.1. 3) Copy lang.model.xml to lang.xml Enjoy! References: ~ts

How to provide MSAA Name for MFC edit controls

Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) can be used in GUI test automation or for accessibility. For test automation purposes, IAccessible::get_accName can be used to retrieve name of an edit box. To make this to work for MFC based applications, the tab order sequence should be modified such that the static label at the left of the edit box is one number lower. For example, if the edit box's tab order number is 5, the static label on the left should have tab order of 4. For MFC based application created using VS2010, menu Format | Tab Order (Ctrl + D) should show the order sequence graphically. Note that this is applicable to the following test automation tools/frameworks: - Test Partner - Rational Robot - UI Automation Just to stress this out again, you need to have a static label to the left of the edit box for this work. Enjoy! References: ~ts