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scrot - command line screen capture utility for minimal Lubuntu install

I have a minimalist installation of Ubuntu 13.04 using Lubuntu minimal package. By default it does not come with screen capture utility. To get Print Screen function working in Lubuntu, install scrot, like: $$: sudo apt-get install scrot Pressing PrtSc in Lubuntu will cause it to create a file in the home directory normally named <date>_<screen resolution>_scrot.png. In Ubuntu 13.10, you have to run scrot first before PrintScreen works.

TF259137: The following account does not have sufficient permissions to complete the operation: domain\user. The following permissions are needed to perform this operation: Create.

When importing virtual machine in MTM Lab Center you may encounter error message below: TF259137: The following account does not have sufficient permissions to complete the operation: domain\user. The following permissions are needed to perform this operation: Create. From what I know there is no UI that would allow the TFS admin to grant the necessary privileges related to library management. To fix this, do: Open a console where tfslabconfig.exe. In VS 2013 with MTM installed, it is located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE. Run the following command: TfsLabConfig Permissions /collection:http://[TFSMachineName]:8080/TFS/DefaultCollection /user:domain\user /allow:create,Read,ManageLocation,Write,edit,delete,start,stop,ManagePermissions,ManageChildPermissions,Pause,ManageSnapshots Of course you have to replace [TFSMachineName] with the name of your TFS Server and this has to be run by user with TFS admin rights. You also have to change Default

Check version of VirtualBox guest additions installed

$: locate vboxguest If this returns nothing either you don't have VirtualBox guest additions installed or you need to update the database used by locate . If you suspect that the database may need a refresh, you can do sudo updatedb . Alternatively, you can check contents of /opt . If you have the additions installed, it should have an entry like VBoxGuestAdditions*.

Mounting a Windows share using smbfs with read-write access

To mount a Windows share using smbfs do the following: #: mount -t cifs -o username=your_user_name,uid=1000 //machine_name/share_name /mnt/point Or the old style: #: mount -t smbfs -o username=your_user_name,uid=1000 //machine_name/share_name /mnt/point Note here that uid=1000 is not a magic number but rather your linux userid. You can get this value from passwd file normally located in /etc/passwd. The user with uid=1000 should be able to manipulate files pointed to by //machine_name/share. And when connecting to a share that is mananged by Active Directory, need to escape the backslash for it to work, e.g.: #: mount -t smbfs -o username=domain-name\\username,uid=1000 //machine_name/share_name /mnt/point Notes: Need to install smbfs for this to work, like (Debian/Ubuntu): #: sudo apt-get install cifs-utils ~ts~

ERROR: No configuration file found when booting Ubuntu 13.04 using USB stick

I created a boot-able network install of Ubuntu 13.04 on USB stick using Pendrive's Universal USB Installer (Universal-USB-Installer- Booting this USB stick on my old Eee PC 900 shows "ERROR: No configuration file found". To fix this rename/copy isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg . As an alternative to Universal USB Installer, you may try Unetbootin( ) Reference(s):