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VBA: Using FileSystemObject to create a file

Sample code to create a file in VBA using FileSystemObject which is part of Microsoft Scripting Runtime. See this link on how to reference MSR. Option Explicit Sub TestMe() Dim fs As FileSystemObject Dim ts As TextStream Set fs = New FileSystemObject Set ts = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\tmp\file.txt", True) ts.WriteLine "Header1, Header2" ts.WriteLine "1," & CStr(DateTime.Now) ts.Close Set ts = Nothing Set fs = Nothing End Sub

Referencing Microsoft Scripting Runtime for FileSystemObject class in VBA IDE

From Visual Basic for Applications IDE, do Tools | References... then look for Microsoft Scripting Runtime or browse for C:\Windows\System32\scrrun.dll. Microsoft  Scripting Runtime provides the following classes: Dictionary Drive Drives Encoder File Files FileSystemObject Folder Folders TextStream

Excel 2013 enable developers toolbar

Do File | Options | Customize Ribbon | select Developer option.

Powershell Quick Tips: Start an interactive session on a remote computer

For the Linux/Unix geeks, ssh is preferred way to establish an interactive session to a remote machine. In Windows ssh can also be used but you have to install extra software. To perform interactive task on remote machine (though not as cool as ssh) one can try Powershell. So, to connect to a remote machine MACHINE1, do: C:\>powershell PS C:\>Enter-PSSession -ComputerName MACHINE1 For this to work, you need to have proper credentials on MACHINE1 (I have only tried with users members of domain admins).

TF259641: To use the environment, you must install a compatible test agent in all machines of the environment. Click 'Install Agents' to complete this task.

On a small domain test system that is connected to a production domain, see below for the network architecture, creating a new test environment with workgroup computers may not deploy the VS Test Agent 2012 properly. The reason automatic deploy is not working is that the Test Agent deployed on the workgroup machines will try to contact the Test Controller located on another domain (DOMAIN1) but will not resolve as the Test Agents DNS server entries are configured from a DCHP connected to production domain. You will typically get the following error message. TF259641: To use the environment, you must install a compatible test agent in all machines of the environment. Click 'Install Agents' to complete this task. Workaround: In the workgroup machines, modify the IP (v4) Properties to point DNS of DOMAIN1.  Tags: - TFS 2012 Update 3 - SCVMM 2012 Sp1 - Lab Manager 2012 Update 3

scrot - command line screen capture utility for minimal Lubuntu install

I have a minimalist installation of Ubuntu 13.04 using Lubuntu minimal package. By default it does not come with screen capture utility. To get Print Screen function working in Lubuntu, install scrot, like: $$: sudo apt-get install scrot Pressing PrtSc in Lubuntu will cause it to create a file in the home directory normally named <date>_<screen resolution>_scrot.png. In Ubuntu 13.10, you have to run scrot first before PrintScreen works.