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Running Python one liner

Running on liner Python is sometimes just fells awesome, practice with caution though. Below spits out uuid4 using Python one liner. c:\> ipy -c "import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4())" Reference(s):

Enable ClearType using Python

When I remote desktop to Windows machines most of the time the fonts just looks ugly. This can be improved by enabling ClearType and I do this every time I connect to a box which I do several times a day. Below is a Python code that enables ClearType which I shamelessly copied from StackOverflow. Reference(s):

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed does not boot to GUI after upgrade

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed kernel update as of 3/31/2016 does not boot to the UI anymore. This was observed on VirtualBox 5.0.16. Workaround is to pass iomem=relaxed to the kernel, see below for details. Reboot the machine. During the boot-up press  e at the screen below. Look for the line with linux  and add iomem=relaxed Reference:

Howto: Installing pywin32 on Python 3.5.1 64-bit

Installing Python for Windows Extensions on Python 3.5.1 64-bit C:\>pip install pypiwin32 If you are getting the following error message in importing win32gui install VC++ 2010 redistributable. >>> import win32gui Traceback (most recent call last):   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. Reference(s):

Install minimalist GUI on top of Debian Stretch netinstall

LXDE is pretty lightweight desktop environment. There are other lighter weight DEs out there mind you but for most practical purposes LXDE serves most of the modern x86 machines. To install minimalist (just the core) LXDE on Debian Strech, do: #: apt-get install lxde-core lightdm Note: This will also install a lighter version desktop manager LightDM This is a pre-release version, it may change without notice.