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Free math applications

List of free math applications: Maxima - computer algebra system ( link ) GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations ( link ) Python + scipy + matplotlib + ipython + pylab - python based numerical package (link - various ) R - a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics ( link ) Sage ( link ) Scilab -  is an open source, cross-platform numerical computational package and a high-level, numerically oriented programming language( link )

Mouse cursor disappers inside the VirtualBox VM when installing CentOS 7

Tried to create a VM using CentOS 7 ISO on VirtualBox 6. The VM booted fine and showed WELCOME TO CENTOS 7 screen, the issue is that clicking inside the VM would cause the mouse cursor to disapper. The VM is still usable but you have to use the keyboard to navigate the OS. To workaround the issue, shutdown the VM and change the settings System | Pointing Device to USB Tablet .

CentOS 7 networking not working on VirtualBox

It seems like this is by design (for security?) that CentOS 7 does not have networking working by default. Anyway, to fix this on VM running VirtualBox, edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 and change the line that says ONBOOT=no to ONBOOT=yes and then reboot the machine. Refs:

UnrealEngine GenerateProjectFiles.bat error - could be due to missing RPCUtility.exe

Tried to run  GenerateProjectFiles.bat to build Unreal Engine from source ( link ),  but got error like below: C:\>Users\x\UnrealEngine>GenerateProjectFiles.bat Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files... GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: It looks like you're missing some files that are required in order to generate projects.  Please check that you've downloaded and unpacked the engine source code, binaries, content and third-party dependencies before running this script. To fix, run setup.bat like: C:\Users\x\prj\UnrealEngine>setup.bat Note that you have to say no to the prompt Would you like to overwrite your changes (y/n)? .