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Showing posts with the label Linux

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat in VirtualBox

Ubuntu 10.10 was released 10/10/10 (October 10, 2010) what an amazing date. The new version was praised with the latest packages (kernel 2.6.35, gcc 4.4.5, Firefox 3.6.12, GNOME 2.32.0 and many more). The fanfare was heavily geared towards the new Ununtu font that was purported to be crisp and clear. Since everyone is busy and I have time to mock around with the new distro, I made a series of screen captures that shows the installation sequence and a peek at how the desktop looks like. I have done this using Virtualbox 3.2.10, see below for my configuration: General Name: ubu1010 OS Type: Ubuntu System Base Memory: 1024 MB Processor(s): 1 Boot Order: CD/DVD-ROM, Hard Disk VT-x/AMD-V: Enabled Nested Paging: Enabled Display Video Memory: 12 MB 3D Acceleration: Disabled 2D Video Acceleration: Disabled Remote Display Server: Disabled Storage IDE Controller IDE Secondary Master (CD/DVD): Empty SATA Controller SATA Port 0: ubu1010.vdi (Normal, 120.00 GB) Audio Host Driver:

Screen capture tour of OpenSUSE 11.3 installation

This is a screen capture tour of installing OpenSUSE 11.3 in VirtualBox guest machine. I have been trying to do a screen capture documentation of the top 5 linux distributions from . So far, this is the first distribution that suggests to have 1GB of RAM during LiveCD installation. Though the 1GB requirement is unusual, the installation is straightforward. As can be expected from the top linux distributions nowadays, all of the activities are being done through GUI. Below is my guest configuration: General Name: opensuse113 OS Type: openSUSE System Base Memory: 1024 MB Processor(s): 1 Boot Order: CD/DVD-ROM, Hard Disk VT-x/AMD-V: Enabled Nested Paging: Enabled Display Video Memory: 12 MB 3D Acceleration: Disabled 2D Video Acceleration: Disabled Remote Display Server: Disabled Storage IDE Controller IDE Secondary Master (CD/DVD): Empty SATA Controller SATA Port 0: opensuse113.vdi (Normal, 120.00 GB) Audio Host Driver: Windows DirectSound Controller:

Installing VirtualBox guest additions in Mandriva 2010 Spring

In this blog post, I have documented via screen capture how to install Mandriva 2010 Spring. I haven't explicitly mentioned that it was being done in VirtualBox guest machine as it does not really matter much, at least for the most part not unless you have a hardware that is not supported by the distribution out of the box. Mandriva installed VirtualBox guest additions by default but using OSE. [timus@localhost bin]$ /usr/bin/VBoxControl -v 3.1.8_OSEr61349 What's nice with VirtualBox is that it is progressing at a very quick pace, releasing an update almost on a monthly basis. Majority of the changes since 3.1.8 are small enhancements and bug fixes. You have two options in keeping current, using OSE version or PUEL version. In this post, I will document updating guest additions based on PUEL. Online repositories are not setup by default in Mandriva, I believe this is a conscious decision to detect the best connection where the user is located. To setup the software online

Screen capture tour of Mandriva 2010 Spring installation

Mandriva 2010 Spring was released July 8, 2010. It comes with kernel 2.6.33 (, KDE 4.4.3 and Firefox 3.6.6. It actually comes with tons of applications. Its a pretty good distribution, I particular like the functionality where it removes any unnecessary packages during the installation. I haven't seen this in Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, PCLinuxOS, Mint, OpenSUSE nor CentOS. What follows is a series of screen captures installing this distribution. Figure 1. Boot menu Figure 2. Language, this will be the language that will be used by the system. Figure 3. License agreement, of course click Accept to continue if you are happy with the agreement. Figure 4. Timezone, this will be used to show correct local time. Figure 5. Allows you to select the correct time, on some machines the BIOS can be set to localtime or UTC. Figure 6. Select appropriate keyboard for your system. Figure 7. Start of the Wizard for installing the rest of the system. Figure 8. Part

Google Chrome cannot be installed in PCLinuxOS 2010.07

I have documented in another post that Google Chrome cannot be installed in CentOS 5.5 due to Linux Standard Base library is outdated. I would expect differently with PCLinux OS as it is trying to get as updated as possible to the extent that the distro is releasing new version quarterly. Here is the version of Chrome that I am trying to install: [root@localhost Downloads]# rpm -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.rpm warning: google-chrome-stable_current_i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 7fac5991 error: Failed dependencies: lsb >= 3.2 is needed by google-chrome-stable-5.0.375.127-55887.i386 As you can see, it complains that lsb needed by the package is 3.2 but what is installed is 2.0.x. [root@localhost Downloads]# apt-cache show lsb-release Package: lsb-release Section: System/Base Installed Size: 19233 Packager: Texstar Version: 2.0-5pclos2007 Depends: bash Provides: lsb-release = 2.0-5pclos2007 Architecture: i586 Size: 1 MD5Sum: Filename: Summary: Lin

Installing PCLinuxOS 2010.07 GNOME on VirtualBox

PCLinux OS releases new distribution quarterly, at least that is how it looks right now. Last time, I did a screen capture of PCLinuxOS KDE . The latest release came around July 2010 (I believe it was released 08July2010). This time around I will document installing GNOME. This can be helpful for folks who are distro hoping but don't have the time yet to install it. Figure 1. This is the boot screen. It looks geeky and pretty nice. Figure 2. Splash screen. Figure 3. Keyboard layout. Select the physical layout of your keyboard not your current location. Figure 4. GDM login screen. Select "guest", password is "guest". Figure 5. This is the PCLinux OS GNOME desktop. Dark theme with applications you have come to expect from a regular full Linux distribution. Figure 6. Double-click(run) on "Install Licecd". Root password is "root". Figure 7. PCLinuxOS Installation Wizard introduction screen. Figure 8. Hard disk partitioning. Default shoul